The source packs can be downloaded from the OpenFOAM.org /downloads section. There are two packs. One is the OpenFOAM source and the other one is the Third-party source pack. create a folder inside the User folder, which is inside the home folder. Follow the steps given in the OpenFOAM.org website.
Give utmost care to follow every single instructions.
Give utmost care to follow every single instructions.
Primarily OpenFOAM need to be compiled before installing. In the instructions in website, there is a step to download the support packages. Make sure all the support packages are installed. Because If any of the support package is failed to install, the OpenFOAM and third party applications will not compile. This Clearly says that a working Internet access is required while setting up the system with the prerequisites for OpenFOAM and third party compiling. A data download of around 300 mb will be taking place.
Once the prerequisites are ready, follow each and every instructions one by one. You are done. The reason why I insist to create the OpenFOAM folder at the above mentioned location is that, there are files where we define aliases for our different directories. The paths defining the aliases will automatically match With true locations if we have the OpenFOAM folder at this location. Else we will have to modify the paths and any mismatch will end up with unexpected errors.
Good luck for your journey with OpenFOAM in Ubuntu.
OpenFOAM is a registered trademark of OpenCFD Ltd.
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